Thursday, April 16, 2009

about me

i really havent posted feeling & shit lately
So here goes myyy nigga !
Am lost .
i dont know what my problem is some days but i think i am goen crazy
I don't do anything correctly,
i am finding myself lying more frequently , being more emotional ,
Just idk , turning into something i've avoided my entire life.
I noticed i am spoiled .
I get what i want , how i want , when i want. No quesitons asked.
Everyone's been feeding into my habits as well.
If i say jump , you's dont say how high ,
Yous say when shall i come down :P
Not even kidding.
I been getting crazy head lately &imma end up expecting that shit from everyone.
My mother out of no where has been starting to care about me
This is some odd shit .
& ive been throwing kiddy tantrums like a bitch .
I wanna change, but sayen i need change isnt actually going to change Anything.
Am just throwing quick thoughts out so don't think too much into thiss...
I miss ryan , I been slacking not chilling with him lately .
I feel like i dont have any best friends anymore.
I cant chill w. issa no more , & gabie idk whats going on with her.
Theyre perfectly fine w/out me i think i should be fine w/out them too.
On the other hand i hhave shad&josh around alot, i feel like i can count on them for anything .
I have less & less female friends as the days go by .
I wanna bee bestfriends with janelle again , Idk i miss her sometimes. lol
I Love shad & josh more than anything now or days.
Kenny's been slacking , But hes taking me laser tagging tonight to make up for eveyrthing he's missed.
I am planning to re-arrange my shit around .

I love my big brother alot , & i take him for granted but If he wasnt here, i dont think i would be neither.

Notice how i dont love any females ?
theyre snakes , all except me of course .
Only cuz i get treated like a dude, & i rather have it that way anywaysss.

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