Tuesday, May 26, 2009

thiss weekend.

ohkieeee , well tis weekend was pretty ohkayy . lol
smh . i'm at stevens house right noww& him & gabie are probably doing the nasty downstairs lmao. lol theyre cute theyre always fighting but at the end of the day they always make up & cuddle & loook cute together its nice lol
Anyyyways so yeah on friday i chilled w. berttooo & alexis .
I got drunk -____-- ugh am disgusted in how fucking drunk i was...
My mind wasnt cooperating with my body . but itss w'e
I emded up getting like 3 bruises on my arms & like 5 cuts on my legs its ugly . Thank Alot Berto.
UGHHHH . lol i love berto idk why but i do . alot . Even though we fight like husband & wife aboutta get divorced lmao . Sometimess i wish he was like my big brother & other times i wish i could just push him off a bridge. BUt i know that if i push him off a bridge ill get all sad & cry alot alot alot cuz i wont be able to see him no more. Lmao I'd be the person to push him then feel bad & go all the way down at the bottom to catch him . Mhm , thasss that goood love =]

Anyways sso friday went bad . & stuff so i just waited on saturday .
Saturday was really terrific ^___^
righhhht first i was chillign w. berto & steven , & alex & melissa.
They was drinking blahblah having fun . then jamelia got berto tight so he wanted to take us home. Buut i didnt wanna go homee. so instead melissa texted kenny & we went with himm & geogre =D

I like george alot . Alot alot alot.
more than ive ever like any person in the whole wide world. I'd do anything for him . i swear i can be the best girllfriend ever to him i swwweeear . lol =']
Heee iss a guy. A good guy. whom i love =x more than my next breath . Its competely & utterly impossible to explain how much feelings i have for this Guy .
since For like ever too .
Omg hes a sweetheart to me too .. even though i dont get to see him as often as i'd like.
idc i'd give up even looking at every guy if i knew i could just be with him
He is like my first everythinggg.
& i'm glad he is because i invested alot of time into him . & idk hee just .. just carries my heart :P
but yeahhh continuingggggg...

So yeah we chilled till thhe next day =] it was nice.
Then he took me home on sunday & i went to work .
work was fun kinda . since we got a new manager. shes cool . i dont even remember her name but that is besides the poinnt. i got a shake thrown at me On sunday & i didnt even care. LMAO
booy oh boyy was i in a good mood!
Lmao after work jorge & melissa picked me up & we chilled then he dropped us off at sex's house.
Lol Sex sucked my eye o_O idk it was funny though .
& i got tickled attacked by aarun , lilHarlem. johnnie , & albert. (i am extremely ticklish)
ALbert fell asleep on my leg & i bagged him lmao it's gold =]

Onnn mondayyyyy i went to see my 'boy'friend marco . My birthday is our 'anniversary'
we went to see him on account of he is bad & was on house arrest . he got a weekend pass though which was alright =]
After seeing him we went to evans for a cookout & i just watched the guys play ball .

This weekend was kinda alright
Ohh yeahhh btw , i like Lia :-D

that right there says spiffy ^^^^^ :}

1 comment:

  1. ME AND STEVEN NEVER DID THE NASTYY!! we were watching P.S. i love you. lol :]
