Sunday, January 3, 2010


my friend luis left for virginia like yesterday :/
i just finished a 2week vacation,
im still single (no surprise)
ummm everything else is pretty much the same.
still have my Killa's
Killa's = My Group Of Friends.
we should have get a patent on this.
Killa's consist of Me, Isa, Annette,Stephanie,Monkay&Lexis. I wanna throw Bones & Lottey in there too lol.
um i think i am bipolar .
on account of my mood swings.
manic depressed w'e .
loss of appetite.
Of course i am not pregnant.
in order to get pregnant yu have to have sex.
Rules pregnancy out of the picture :)
um , i hide my blog from some people.
bad thing, yeah i just feel like some people aren't ready for All of me.
I just thro bits & peices as the days go by.
If by the time I'm done you aren't there..
what can i do.

i wrote this earlier :
im not even the bad one.
dont Hand me the blame.
i wanna protect my heart
from all the hurt, & all this pain.
it happened once, i wont let it happen again
cuz its not equipt to handle this-
ripped apart by 2 men.

pretty much self explanatory. ive had 2 special people in my life, my whole life. thats it.
&theyre pretty much the reason why im such a bitch to men,
they make me want to be lesbian.
im paranoid & i think everyone is out to get me.

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