Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 16th.

Ok, so my birthday is coming up soon .. which i'm pretty darn excited for.
Idk why i'm so excited, but ive decided to make like a wish list for an awesome birthday sorta thing?
Yeah , here goes :

I really want balloons, especially since theyre AWESOME.
I mean, who doesn't like balloons?

& Some chocolate, preferably Reeses :)

I also would loveee Amerykah pt 2!

Self Explanatory?

Magic Tea Maker chicka WHAT ?

I've been wanting a new phone for months.

A letter, doesnt neccessarily have to be a love letter, but i love writing & i love reading .. so this would probably be the greatest gift anyone could ever give

& Then the fireworks would just compliment my whole day & i would be satisfied until next year !


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