Idk if You's noticed or not , but I've stopped maken ugly , sad posts.
Even though that is bad for the typical , nosey , reader.. It is great for me
It is showen you That i too can get over anything .. :)
I hadn't chilled w/Shad innnn daysss . & now that i finally did am like super excited
I been chilling w/Angely lately too ,
on account of i have like no other female friends , Theyre alll flamers & stunner'ss . =__=
How's your vacation guys?
Mine is going on Swell b___^
On friday , i chilled w/ Shad & Freddy
We went to go visit Rita at her job since it was her Birthhhdayyyyy
(happpyyy birthhdayy Ritaaa bbyygurrrrrl)
Then we left ,
When we left , we picked up Angely & we went to freddy's
it was cool , we juss' chilled .
& everyonee was feeining on their Sk camera's Lmao:
On saturday (yesterday night)
Uhhhm i worked & stuff , then i bought Shad somee food from my job.
Lol He took so long though i am sure the food was Cold. Lol
I likedd seeing him all excited that i brought himm food i was cuteee Lol
Righhhht , so Everyone starteddd rappenn .
Omg it had to be the funniest shit ever.There ws this kid , Idk his name . He had a red nike sweater, & aqua blue force1's
& Heee wass rappennn out his ass.
Everything he said was completely irrelevant to the line before & like none of it rhymed
But idk it wass juss the funnniest ever big ups to him ^
Lmao Then some girl started rappennn she was hardbody !
Lol , she got this kid so mad that he went home .
Anyways i gotta go to work , so goodbyeeee <3> 

Oh yeah , There wass these two ,
that were Amped that they could make Pb & J sandwiches :)
Well, you never asked me to go with you so I can't possibly be a stunner now can i ? lol