Wednesday, January 14, 2009

im SO ordinary.

I already dislike this blogging CRAP .
i lied, i like it .. =]
Shake my damned head.
Anyways , hi ryan :]
my brain is a tad bit damaged , all the names i wanted wasn't working.
I guess great minds really do think alike .
Ryan is making fun of me over Aol Instant Msgr.
Yeah , well FU2 BOB.
im suddle.

some one please, take me out of this confined space.
i shouldnt be allowed to live so monotonously .
stay calm.
Living everyone'ss lives but My own .
Living in a box .. for What ?
Who can i Impress ?
Not even needed.
im such a Nun :]
i get none , Do none , Am none.

MMMmm... hi , im spiffy.

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