Monday, January 26, 2009

ryan =D

niggaaaaaaa this weekend was bomb.

i loved it . right so me & one of my bestest friends were 'sposed to go to the club right . cuz since i was feeling better , he wanted ot take me out . kay w'e w'e . His car is fucked up so he been using his boy's car. But his boy wanted to be a jerk or sutting & was like he didn't feel like picking me up anymore idk. I really didn't care though idk why but i been in a good mood on account of im feeling better. So yeah i called up issa Louisaaaa , my freaking i dont even know what to call her. The sunshinee of my life lmfao idk shes one of my best friends. I'd give up everything & anything for her. MMMHMMM . so yeah i called her bitch ass up & was like im already dressed papa so lets party . Lmao So my brother , drops me off at this party righhht . & at first it was mad wack . Then like idk alotta ppl showed up? lmao . It got jumpingg madddd quick . Then the party thrower guy got mad idk for what i guess no one wanted to dance w. him so he said if he didnt know you , you had to leave . But only for the boys . Lmfao . But since all the boys were leaving , i left too .
Especially since kenny was giving me a ride home =]
KID KID KID . idk this is my ode to kenny.
Yoooooo , i honestly don't know what i would be if this fellow had never walked into my life. Idk he's way more than a best friend. He's deffinately something special to me. he Deffinately has a special place in my heart & if i dont tell him i love him like 7 times a day idk what im doing.
Lol He's the only boy i know that isn't family , that i can call at 2 in the morning . & he'll be fucking a bitch or something . & He'll drop everything to come see if I'm alright . Like yooo . Because of him i probably avoided mucho confrontations with men. Anyways if he thinks something is wrong , he comes to my rescue. & if i had transportation i'd do the same on account of i love him more than my next breath . =O
Yeah yup i remember i was the only bitch that would take the bus to visit him when he was bored & couldn't go no where cuz he had gotten into a car crash . woop He calls me when he feels like the world is falling . & by golly i make sure it doesn't . ^___________^ Idk yo but if there is one person i know for a FACT i absolutely love & will love , its kenny peguero.
Anyyaysss, so me , kenny , & like eight other cars kept partyen & the night turned out GREAT .
Issa slept over my house & everything . good old fashion friendshippppp'ssss

Oh yeah on friday i stayed home like a bum . it was boring boring boring except for the fact that i was on the phone w. ryan till i fell asleep . He thought i wasn't a talker , BOYYY was he wronggg.

Anywayssss, on sunday , i woke up kinda early. I cashed another small check =l & dropped off issa at where she needed to go idk .
After that my grandmother was annoying me , so me & ryan met up =DDDD We went to the mall for a little , & my friends like , interrogated me for being w. ryan . everyone swears we like go out . smh if he was older i would =D Lmao lmao lmao. Then me & ryan went to johnny rockets . (MMMMMMM) lol lol lol . I be scared to eat in front of people idk why . Im not scared to eat in front of this nigger no more though . lol
kid kid kid . then we went to this pretty indian store . ohmg i love indian people theyre beautiful . & i love Henna & i love their music & i always wished since i was like 6 that i can go their for like maybe a summer pleaseeeeeeeeeeee. ohmg . me &ryan had so much fun , we missed the bus -___-- so we walked back to the mall in the freezing. but it doesnt matter it was cool though cuz i luh him & we got matching ringssssss . hes my bitch &he is gunna get my name on his ass >:]

anyways that night was fun , & now i cant wait for tomorrow cuz me &him aare gunna watch benjamin butttonnn . wooHOOO

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