Saturday, January 24, 2009


hello , this post wont have any pictures.
So i hope my words are vivid enough for you . I've had mono for the past couple days , so I haven't posted so regularly . I'm getting better so hopefully i will post more . I felt horrible the past week D=
Gabie is making my head hurt right now. ahhh since she's attempting to do my hair.
anyways , i lost 5 pounds being sick .That's the only good thing about this sick shit. Everything else, i hate .
I hated being inside all day . Hated sleeping 2O out of the 24 hours in the day . Bleghh . I hated not ebing able to eat for like 5 days straight because i thought my throat would stab me .
& what i hated the most was looking at myself in the mirror. The stupid retarded fucking cunt of a doctor i had gave me the Wrong medicine. I woulda been fine taking tylenol w. codine in it like every one else that has had mono but Nooooo . she thought i had some weird throat infection & gave me Lord knows what . Making my face, arms & legs bruise up like i got jumped.
Pretty bad sight .
But everyone who loves me kept me calm & called me pretty , even though i looked like shit .
Big big biggg UPS to them .

Right now im listening to bachata , &am getting my hair done by some weirdo gabie Tolentino =DDD
I like taking free magazines from H&M & the coach store so i can look & cut out outfits i like & paste them on different peoples faces. Or paste the faces on the outfits.. which ever way works?
My brother is in the other room thinking he's a gangster blasting this dumb rap that doesn't even have cool lyrics. smh


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