Monday, January 19, 2009

january 18&19th

Ohk , so yesterday was fun . Lol I woke up like @ 9 am , & i noticed my throat was starting to hurt. I didn't pay much mind to it though , it was like w`e. It started hurting really badly , so i decided to call out of work Later on that day . My manager said i sounded like Biggie -___-- . Lmao anyways , The 18th was Kristin'ss Sweet 16 so i needed heels for that day . Yes even though i was sick ; i had to party . Lol i bought some cute heels ; w. bows on them , go me. =D Anyways , i got ready blahblahblah for her 16 &stuff &picked up tasha then was off to [ the place was called like 'veeiche Roma ' ]. Everyone looked so pretty :]
Nyquila Proposed to me =DDDD , i swear the ring she gave me was like bigger than my head. XD lmfao [ryan i did Not leave you ] =] The dj sucked. I kept choosing the sogs everyone was gunna dance to . He was playing like Keyshia Cole & shit smh . Nuthing is wrong w. Keyshia Cole but who hears her @ at "party"? Anyways , the night was going pretty good till someone stole 3 bottles of liquor from the bartender. Them bartender girls was retarded . SMH SMH SMH they deserved to get their liquor stolen from there. Anyways , Kristin's party ended & Kristin's momma dropped me off Home.

I started feeling bad again when i got home & took a couple pills to try sooth the pain .
At like 6 am i till couldn't sleep , so i decided to make myself some tea . Not knowing i took too mnay pills, i passed out . -______--- . i got up around 8 3O ish or something & my mom took me to the doctor'ss &Stuff. She tried making me eat but eating made my throat hurt even more so ughhhh, i stayed hungry like the whole dayy .
I'm feeling a little bit better now , since i've took some antibiotics & a moltrin . Anyways , imma watch a movie or something - cuz thats what sick people do for fun ..

BYE :]

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