Saturday, January 17, 2009


ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . hi , everybody. Today was pretty good , i got let down a couple times though >:/ First , i was having this horrid , horrid dream . & It was about someone like fucking on my bed. & I'm the one who got in trouble for it because it was in My room . & It felt real , i woke up all angry & anxious. Then noticed , that it was not real & it was 8 am. -______---
Then i fell back asleep , holding Reptar'ss hand. & awoke again at 1Oam .
I showered , & stuffs , then went off to work .

When i came in , my friend asked me about this song that she wanted to listen to but she had no idea what the name of it so , so me being a music feein , i told her the name , &i happened to have it on my phonee , so i blue toothed it to her. So then all my friends at work went crazy bluetoothing all the songs on my phone , & my manager swore it was my fault . [kindaa wass ] So he decided to give me an extra Hard day at work today . He made me clean / sweep the dining room & bathroom like 8 times each hour. Making sure i scrubbed & sprayed & swept , & mopped , & EVERYTHING , every single time. i was like yayyy . Then he made me do the garbagee , not just like 3 garbages though , but every single garbage in the storee.
Then the garbages in the parking lot. Then he made me sweep the parking Lot . & i had to make sure to listen on the head - set in case there were too many customers & i needed to go Do stuff inside.
So yeah , i ended up leaving like an hour late .. Ugh yayyy -___---
Welll w'e fuck him in the assHole.
Then i got home , took another shower & got dressed , then kenny picked me up . Me & kenny , & compannnny , went to the movie'ss. We saw Notorious B I G , lol biggie is cutee LMFAOO!
I wasn't even 'sposed to see biggie , but my pan'ss got canceled on account of i dont even know the reason , so i just stayed w. kenny & the boys till Home time.

LIL Kim was a dumb ass. Lmfao . She sound'ss like 85% of the girl'ss in Providence. Then after the moviee'ss , me & the other'ss went to some party on pennsylvaniaa. Lol It was DUMB PACKED :/ &oh i hate kenny peguero . & berto. -____--
'Dont ever ever ever ever ever Play tra on repeat at a party ' i mean , unless youre trying to break your back . Lmfao Anyways , the party was too packed for anyone to like dance so we decided to leave.
Going home , i called my bro to open the door for me because i diddn't feel like waking up my household . & he goes 'if i feel like it' & hangss up . So me , im a jerk . I go , & let him fall asleep.. then i walk to the door & ring the doorbell @ least uhh 17 times. Just so everyone can wake up . & Yo guess what ? He still had to open the door for me =D
now im typing to jeneLia , & ryan . i have a good feeling about jenelia , she doesn't sound like a prov girl to mee , shes a potential Friend :]]]]]
anyways , i have no charger to my sidekick , which is frustrating me. So good-bye.
heres, some random shit ; to keep yu entertained till my next post :

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