Friday, January 16, 2009


hello people ,
new day , new post wooHOO . i actually did something today . Not something productive but at least were getting there.
This morning , i woke Up all early & cashed my rediculously small check . i was 'sposed to go to someone'ss house but Sleeping Beauty .. =] lmfao.
Anywayss , after that i went to gabie'ss house . Pronounce in Japanese : GA-BU-RI-EH-RA .Me &her go WAYY back [ not really ] but that doesn'tt matter . At 1 , she left me to go 'feeding the duck'ss at the park ' or w`ee , while i stayed & got ready for work .

I dislike my uniformmm soooooo muchh ugh you have no ideaaa. i work @ burgerking , Hmm . 'have it your way' -_____--- After work , my older brother picked me up . He'ss so nice, & he bought me food =]] I'snt that wonderful ? Anyways , there was a catch to it . He waanted me to hopp out to go into the mall & return some air adesss for him . IN MY BURGERKING CLOTHES. SMH SMH SMH .Dique they were yellow or soemthing idk . they were ordered from california , & he got the display shoe so it was all yellow. & every one knows when you have a shoe on display youre 'sposed to recycle them every week by switching what shoes go up so the spongey part doesn't turn yellow. But i guess cali didn't know that . -______----
Anyways , after the mall me& my brother drove home .. & it was pretty much sollitude aafter that . Lol nosa , i went online & Imed till my fingersss hurted.

Oh yeah , Stephan made me smile BIGGG TIMEEE, again :] wooHOO

Me & my favorite little psychologist [Gibran] had this convo That i liked reeally really mucho. It went from having maddd Fun to our feelings .THATS WHY I LOVE HIM SO MUCH :]]]]]] me &him are going through the same shit so yeah RIP love . cuz you know that died a while back =P

Anywayss on a brighter notee, people have been randomly sending me stuff to my email ; which makes me real real real happy . [ alotta things make me happy ] lmfao

i'd like to say , I LOVE nyquila - not only because she'ss one of the most purdiest girls i know , but because She'ss honest /real from start to finishh . & Me &her can relate :] cuz we're awesome like that PAPPAAAA.
anywho . I did something bad like 15 minutes ago. Shit , & i think im screwed . -___-- send me something worth exciting me.

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