Tuesday, February 17, 2009

aqua teen hunger force.

i feel anxious right now. I think its a problem.
I wake up anxious everyday. I dont know why .
I will go to bed like 3 am
& wake up at 7;O5 on some dumb shit.
Then i will force myself to sleep again until someone walks into my room.
I cant even lock my door to sleep either because i am paranoid that if a fire comes i will die because they can not get to me. I
here noises in my kitchen right now.
This shit is scary.
I dont even know why i insist on Typing downhere.
This weekend is alright .
I am spending most of my days w. Ryan.
I been wanting to chill w. George but i think i have been fucking up with him alot lately.
At first i did it just because i thought i could but i think i went over the line.
I think he is the love of my life.
I am too young to say that dique but i liked him since i was 11 so idc.
I am watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Thiss shit is pretty cool .
It usually is boring but not tonight.
I Love my friends. Especially the real ones . Lmao nosa.
But i do love my friends.
Were extra super duper retarded when we get together its completely Awesome.
Tomorrow i think i am getting my lip peirced.
I am hoping it will look fine.
On account of i like that peirching alot alot alot.
I think i am going to be too scared to get it. Lmao .
I hope Ryan can hold my hand.
Ryan takes nice pictures... Of me:]


  1. You're fucking BANGINGGG<33
    Evn w| your widdo anxiety problemas. lmaoo .

    ..I'm the same way too when I'm alone. Like I feel like I'm typing too loud down here by myself cus my moms sleeping. so i put music on [thank G for Karina Pasian] and i feel a little betterbut i keep looking at my door. -__-

  2. aww, those pics look all professional.

    i tagged you in one of my blogs.
