Wednesday, February 4, 2009

fifi , frankie & charlayy .

HIIIIII . HELLO . BONJOUR . its been a while ehh ? well well well well w'e ^____^
im back like i left my car keeeeeysss. wassup papi . anyways , theres so much . im porbably gunna frget like 75% of what happened since then . But w'e .I have made new friends . I have made enemies. I cried. i think . Uhhhh , ive partied. [when don't i ] . ive gotten drunk [again , when dont i ]. I have a new bestfriend named Kristin . ^__^ we got matching keychains . me , kristin &gabie. The mall is closing down =O No more H&M for me. =,[ I created beef w. pretty little girls in my school . Uhh well they started w. me so idgaf. Uhmm , i learned some shit , i forgot some shit .George's birthday was the 1st . Happy birthday . Uhmm , i introduced gabie to the wonderful world of partyen , now she's tryna get me to go like everyday . LMFAO
i chilled w. ryan . i ran jumped skipped laughed etc etc etc . basically lived lifeeee.
Lmfao i even had a random guy lift me up & try taking me home , i was petrified i have to say , but gabie hit him & he let go &we Ran lmfaoooo.
Today was fun ^__^ . i spent the day w. gibran &gabie. Mostly gabie but gibran was funner. He was crying today =] awhhhh , cute widdle boy was cryinnng . Lol nosa he has "allergies" dique dique dique. well , w'e . &there was this boy that kept tryna karate chop gibran on the low. it was cuteee. Tomorrow Francis owess me 5.OO , cuz the bet will be Up . MUAHHAHHAHAH . stupidd cunt .
Anyways im still me , so yeah . Lol goodbye. i think i stopped posting cuz ryan's camera stopped working. But i got sick of waiting so i started using myy LX more oftennn . =]
i wanna get drunk w. vodka & redbull , so i wont be tired . Have mad energry like the energizer bunny , finally crash . &when i wake up make soup .
We have a taker ;]



  1. I'm glad to see you're back! I mixed vodka with Rockstar and I must say..... AHHHH!!!! Fun nights we need to go on our date!
