Thursday, January 29, 2009

make up.

hi, today was wack .

I woke up at 6:48 , to my grandmother telling me i had an hour delay. I went back to sleep yadda yadda & went to school like around 8:55. Classical is so freeaking disorganized. That they made people come into school for nothing. The only people that had to go was the people who had to take a science , a conflict , or a make-up. Everyone else , was in school for absolutely no reason . Teachers didn't give work . they didn't even care if you was there or not . SMHHHH. Kay , I didnt have to be in school until 11:45 -__--- smh smh smh . So i went to DD's & the guy like discounted my cooladaaaa =] thankss ! I was at classical 2 hours earlier than i needed to . Thank'ss Guys.
i waited till like 113O , listening to killswitch engage till lunch . After lunch i went to the library & did my exam . That shit was cakeee & a half. Lmao lmao lmao . I was the second one done , so they let me leave . I got into this cute little heated discussion about PIGS & ugly people &how people are mad feirce over the internet but when they get faced by who they're talking about they feel like SHIT. Muahahhahahhahahhahah scary scary scary girls i laugh laugh laugh so DAMNED HARD . lmao , then I went to visit my calligraphy teacher ; &she let me leave early. =D Idk . i went home & then i went out w. iissa for a couple of hours. I saw MOOOKIEE ^__^ that is my nigga niggaaaa . i love him , he been lost. He's fresh i love him so much . He makes me laugh so hard . Lol I smile just thinking about him. Yeah he was with NoNo [ that kid is cute ] . =x Anyways , w'e w'e i went home & i went on Brooklyn Zuu's blog. That blog is bangingg. & i loved the dominicana sooooyyy post. Even though im guat . I felt so spanish listening to them OG bachata songs. Wepaaa papi .
KID tell me why : i made a bet with francis that i can live without my pretty little kenny. &i can . If i lose i owe this heifer man $5 . Which reminds me i FOUND $5 today !! it made my dayyy like i swear i been telling everyone , &now I'm telling you's.
Now im watching some show idk &talking to people on aim . My face is getting bruised again i think I'm getting sick . YAY -____--

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