Saturday, February 21, 2009

I am sick of

hello. I was upset yesterday because people led me to believe i had a reason to be.
Me&her cleared that up &we're cool.
I am sick of people using me for entertainment. Like is my life really that interesting?

Should my post's really be conversation starters & the main Topic of peoples conversations ?

You guys are giving me wayy too much credit for this shit.
I am doing me , I never knew this shit was so interesting.

I am sick of fucking beef. I m sick of blogs making people dislike eachother. I am sick of Losing respect. I am sick of Losing love . I am sick of waiting for shit that probably wont even happen.
I am sick Of instigators. I am sick of school , teachers, & every one who is a student at classical highschool. I am sick of not being too pretty enough or too this or too that .
I am sick of not having who i cant in my fucking arms. I am sick of caring so much .
There is so much more i need ot make a FUCKING LIST

fighting over bullshit
Bitches [FEMALEs]
Lies [bullshit ]
people telling me what to do as if my fucking brain doesn't work
People not caring.
People caring too much
Cars beeping at me
Being a pedestrian
working at BK
Living in this house.

i will add shit later maybe, but for now , Goodbye

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