Monday, February 9, 2009


hi hi hi hi hello :]
Today was fun , it wasn't at first but then it got fun . Lol
I didn't go to school today . Because of dumb problemsss. I went to issa's house & stayed there the whole day . We woke up like at 645 & dropped Alexis off at school . We drove around till like 9 or so , then went back home. I fell asleep . Woke up at like around 2 then had some POPTARTS.
Like at 4 i decided to get ready to go to classical's game.
Ryan came; & chelsie , & joey. Lol.
Kid . ryan is so sweet i love going to his blog . It always makes me feel so special =']
Yesterday was his birthday HAPPYY BIRTHDAYYYYY ^_____^ ilyyy
Anyways it was fun , i had fun .
After that , Ryan dropped me home & i fixed the internet &shit now im here , talking on the phone w. angel . He's a beast Lol i loved him since camp.

P$; RYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN ILY x8 [cuz its my favorite number ] lol.
&i think youre my favouritist person in the world too. Like # 1. & i have alot of favouritess.

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