Thursday, February 12, 2009

fuck you a million times Harder.

hey gente.
am listening to I miss you right now
i love singing this songggg lol. Its great .
Today was a pretty aight day . It started out really bad. I didn't wanna wake up. I felt like i should Have like slept & never woken up . Shit was wack . I went to school & Walked w. Nyquila to DD'ss , i love nyquila. Lol i am mad comfortable w. her its amazing. She's cool. Idk where that came from neither but its true so yeah :]
Me&her dislike the same females too . Which is cool 8-)
Anyways so yeah i went to all my classes feeling mad depressed. Cuz like 1OO people been coming up to me Telling me i am gunna get into trouble. Like sometimes its cool to know beforehand w'e w'e , but like it ain't cool when ppl tell you youre going to get in trouble because yu feel like gossipingg shit. That shit is annoying. & I have been noticing That i have been in alotta peopless mouth'ss lately . Like if during the last week I've become famous. Like i won't liee , i like attention sometimes ; who doesn't?
But yaa givingg me too much head. Its annoying . -____--- i wanna be left alone.
Not left alone but like leave my bussiness should be NONE of your concern. Which brings me to Ryan.
He's my friend. A good friend . I like chilling w. him ; talken to him ; justt being around his presencee can make me smilee .
But it isn't that type of friendship . We ain't messing , going out or anything.
&Yo if we was , who cares? I can't stand how people assume shit about me &him . Like grow the fuck up & ASK yourselves. Dead ass its getting annoying. Well , actually - It BEEN annoying. ughh .

Well anyways, i was depressed until like 1 i decided i wanted to go to the poetry out loud contest. Guess who i went with ?
It was fun, there was some reeally really good poets up there . &some not so good. Over all though it was a pretty fun event &Brother Hood bee Going Hardbody ! Big ups to them because they not only are doing valentine cards , teddy's , &carnations , But they also did Valentine buddy picc's & Was the people at the concession [spellcheck] stand.

After the poetry outloud thing , Ryan brought me home & now am at the computer listening to some more nonsense. I think i will switch out of classical. It has lost its touch . It went from a smart school to being a Ghetto ass public highschool just like Any other school out there in Providece. Just a little bit DIRTIER . I want to go to PAIS or central . I think i wanna go to PAIS because Jeneliaa , & because its filled w. spanish people. Am sick of listening to 1OOOO ghetto people in classicals hallways.

Every singleee one of 'em. They made everythingg fine again. ='[
No sense in whining about how i want them back now is there?

Now im done complaining . Ive vented a smidge i dont wanna punch everything i see now.


  1. I miss them, too. ='[




    Ryan is cool. =]



  2. Hello Jenifer, I made a blog yo :-)
    If you leave Classical I think you're making a mistake because it's still one of America's top 500 schools..
    and you'll have more drama at Central =) Kbye make good decisions k!
