Monday, February 23, 2009


Shad is a beast . idgaf what you say.
If Shad isn't a beast , then you are Not Human.

For the people who Strive* to be different don't take that Not human thing as a compliment.

I met him over myspace or aim idk which one to pick . He is nice 8-) he is sweet , honest , caring , & his lyrics shows so.

anyways i have spent my night talking to Shad , he calls me piglet -___-- because of him , i snort now.

[01:10] shadd: bloggage an free spanish lessons?
[01:10] shadd: if you can cook
[01:10] shadd: i might just kidnap you an put you in a cage
[01:10] shadd: lmfao
[01:10] imcooel88: then how will i make yu breakfast
[01:11] imcooel88: smh
[01:11] shadd: you will have a kitchen in there
[01:11] shadd: an send me food thru the slot
[01:11] imcooel88: =O
[01:11] shadd: nosa
[01:11] shadd: lmao
[01:11] imcooel88: i will refuse
[01:11] imcooel88: to cook
[01:11] imcooel88: i dont know how to cook , just for that cmnt
[01:11] imcooel88: & i will prepare giant ass 3 course meals
[01:11] imcooel88: for me , my self & my cage
[01:11] imcooel88: >=P

DUDE , its 1:11 am Make a Wish please.

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