Thursday, April 23, 2009

Papi shampoo

busy day today .
chilled w. long lost friend estphania bones :)
she's lovely .
I think imma take her out more often .
Mommie's birthday = saturday . Pa que lo sepa
Berto drives me insane , but i can't help but spend everyday w/him . Lmao
Papi shampooooooo papi papi shampoo ,
You remember how i said i loved loved loved my bestfriend kenny?
I do . But he doesn't feel the same way back .
I guess i needa start the endless search to replace the irreplacable ...
Waldo is nice , he said he isn't in it for the food (burgerking)
hes in it for me . Lol
that made me smileee
I notice i look fucking high in most of my pictures. Thats not cool on account of Im almost always completely sober .
Tomorrow im chilling with Ryan for the first time in dayssss.
this is nice eh :)
Pais is full of hick's
I love it.
Now , next time i will know not to steal M&M's because Berto doesn't like them (theyre my favourite .. )
I miss Shad & Josh where are they !?

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