Monday, April 20, 2009

throwing it out there

If everything goes back to normal , then im going to fail my sophomore Yr.
I need love.
sometimes i wanna delete my blog.
If i were to make a twitter , it'd be uberly awesome but i know everyone is obsessed w. it so i don't.
I have recently learned to like my eyes.
Fake is everywhere.. :[
I have to be friends with one or the other, i can never be friends with both..
I think Youre a Fuck up .
I dont chill with anyone .
I did all my english homework Today
I wanna bitch slap Max in the face but i know he'll cry &ill feel like a jerk afterward , so i don't.
I wish everyone could understand me.
I think i falll in love with anyone who shows me the least bit of affection.
Too much affection is bad though.
Get tall .
I've given up .

Thats what i like to see ^

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