Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Sorry.

i wish i was what everyone thinks i am
i wish i didnt cry tears, or feel painn . it'd be much easier that way
im a wreck man, i fooled you's. all of you's . i fooled yous good too
made you believe i was strong, & that i could get passed everything & that everything is just fine. that i was strong & that you could come to me & expect not to hear me in return.
that i live my life to the fullest with no worries & no regrets..

im sorry
everything was false.
i sit down in the tub & let the shower head pour down on me, so it can feel like its raining & i can just cry everything out.
i dont know what else to do.
im going crazy man .
i have nothing to offer, ive put it all out there. everyone took a big ass part of me & now .. im nothing.
who really has nervous breakdowns, c;mon now really?

im sorry that i can be what everyone expects of ,e.
im sorry i drink i smoke i have premarital sex i lie cheat & steal.
im sorry i couldnt be the superhero & this post wont cheer anyone up.
im just ...
im sorry.

but at least now you's know the truth .

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