Saturday, August 8, 2009

sk note.

hi , postin agggain .
so tell me one niht i was in new york , it was really late into the night & i just kept thinkinggg..
i always thougght if i was left alone for a longg enoughhh time , i would think myself to death .
& thats not far from trueee ,, but yeah lemme gett backk to what i meant to posst.

soo , i write in my notes ; (mant do not know this but my notes is prlly the most secretive place in my phone. i hateeee hate hate when people touch my phone .. they usually never do ; but if they do i always make sure they forget the notes :)

so this was in it , imma copy it word for word even the mistakes? it feels more originall that way :p

so theres this guy ...
i'm startin to really like him ya kno?
he's sweet . hes honest , he's carin.
i like him more for his intelligence than physical traits
not saying hes not beautiful .. that he is.
in every way imaginable
from his sad brown eyes , to his smile.. his modest abilities to make me collapse simply listenin to the random thoughts thats come out his lipss..
i once thought i wouldnt love again, i swore it was the wrong thing to do . & i simply dwelled on my past because i felt closer to you that way . i reminisced on the things we used to do because the memories were so vivid that it felt like it wasnt so long ago that the memory was made. like if it was only yesterday that you were here, & i was happy... but i'm young. & that was very naive of me
as of august 3rd. 2009 @ 3:14 am. i believe i can.
idk why all of this coming so out of no where ya kno?
i get really attracted to the people who take time to listen though ..
the one's who show me love are the one's who always get love back.
i know i'm just rambling but it feels nice ; to acknowledge that there is hope, lol if you will
that i will recover from my broken heart
recover from crying into the late nights until early mournings.
not even hope. because hope is when you don't know.
i know- that my relationship with this person will be nothing less than healthy .
i have this weird feeling- liking this person i'm not going to have many of those 'crying into late night' nights..
lol just a feeling though

i'll stop now, though. because girls do this weird thing when they like a boy . they make up one thousand &one intricate scenario's about how their life would turn out once their relationship took off.
that ets out of hand you see, because then the females feel as if maybe some of it has happened, then their feelingd grow stonger &deeper &yet t he boy has no idea , because he has simply no interest in how far we went iinto the future . . .
but yeah good nite*
um ..
i really like him :)

lmfao . im such a softiee rite? -________-


  1. awww how cute . im sure he loves you tooo :)

  2. haha , yu are a softie ; & so is that guy , loll .

    ive been waiten for a post like this from yu for a while ; a post that shows wat yur thinken & shows off that yur a REALLY good writer .

    now i kno why yu were especially sad wen yur notes got deleted , loll . ( but funny thing , ppl ALWAYS do go for the notes huh ? i noticed that too ; nosey ass ppl , lmao )

  3. The feeling of being in love is wonderful, sigh.

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