Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Lies, from everything that youve said to everything youve done. Lies
From the empty kisses pursing our lips to the shoves onto the bed, telling me that you love me & this is how love feels & that you are as good as its going to get. Lies
Im, dumb, its hard to admit, but guess what?
youre dumber.
Youre nothing, never be something, never anything; you peice of shit under your wings its dso hard for me to sing anything ! ... its been stoppped tingling
because youre nothing but bud, blood, & Lies.
Allowed into a place when you had nothing.. given you shelter, food & love when you had none ..
You dare to Steal, Cheat, & You dare telll Lies?
Biting the beautiful but gullable hand that had so gladly fed you for your past life.
Thinking that youre a step ahead but we're now 5 steps evern farther.. & you'll never be a good Father because everything youve told your child was a pack of Lies!
I hate you, but i love you.
Hate you for making me cry, for telling me those lies, for making me feel like i wanted to die .. in silence with no one around me.
For making me feel like My life had no value.
But sir, I love you as well..
For now i have learned my lesson, expirienced this, now i can reminisce on our first kiss, & ill never be as stupid as this .. Ever again.
I hate you but i love you .
thankyou, to all of your lies.

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