Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lost One.

havent been around in a long time & when i come back i act like everything was aight. lol
ive been uber busy with school work & such . tryna pass this year i fucked up enough to last me this & last yr.
So no games.
i dont bunk ,
i study ,
i do my home work ,
i work after school,
im in brother hood
& ive been tryna sing as much as possible.
I'm doing me.
No boys or girls in my life.
With my same circle, Isa, Steph, Gabie, Shanelle & Janelle. No more new faces.
No love - too busy for that shit ..
ive realized, & am still realizing alot of shit its like im looking for myself still..
& blogging wasnt part of the plan at the timeee ; but i'll keep everyone updating here & there.

but you'd look at me & think nothing is wrong . Like the right light is peering thru my pores. That my smile is how i actually feel. i guess you can say im a snake.

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