Thursday, March 26, 2009


Long time no post
kay so i've been thinking right , &idk. lol
what i do know is that i am goen to try not to be so depressed that my friends are dyen .
Doesn't that sound weird?
Like how we can live in a community where i can say " I wish He dies instead" & it is alright?
I just think that that is some HardCore shit. -___---
Ah well this won't be a gloomy post seeing that everyone thinks i am Going to go emo & crawl under a rock . I can assure everyone , I'm fine , i don't need the rock . I think i would rather talk to Gibran instead anyways.
The other day , Gibran made a post about me. It madeee me feeel like extra extra special.
It wasn't like a i love jenifer shes cool wooHOO kinda post.
It was more like a IDK , actual reasons why he Loved
Welll i think that Gibran Gonzalez , happens to be one of the most wonderful people i have ever met. & one of the most influential as well. Maybe it is the way he talks to me or what but he can make me melt ")
He is known as my husband , But he might as well be called my counselor , lol I think he has helped me so much through these past days i have been an absolute wreck.& the thing is , is like He isnt scared to love me .. Well if he is , he sure can hide it pretty darn well. Lol , i think he can make the sun shine just a little brighter , & make everything smell so much better.....Who know's .
He has taught me more than i could ever fathom.
Geeee, i am glad to havee foundd him.Now that i am done givennn gibrannn like mad head over bloggggage . lmao i will go on,
I am a bit happier these days , Idk .i spend every single day with Ryan . lol , I have no clue why i haven't got tired of him yet .Even if he falls asleep when there is company over . smh But yeah , Lately , ive been looking through all my Little journals & diaries, & friendshipbooks all this extra crap & i have always liked the same perrsonnnn my nigga !
I think that is soooo ODD.

Am i a bad Influence?
I have been told that all week by adults & it is really starting to get aggravatinng. UGHHH Even though i am usually the prudent one & i am always the 1st to suggest we head home. Ahhhh welll , if these parents saw how these kids acted while they weren't there !!!!
Anywho , I have a bunch of clothes & stuff , like laying on my bed - & there is a book calling my name so i will get back to you on how the rest of my life goes in a short while :]For Your looking pleasure:

1 comment:

  1. no way am i scared to love you . and yu and i both know how hard it is for us to even hide our love for someone. o_O

    i love you wifeee .
