Saturday, March 14, 2009


my mom isn't letting me go anywhere .
last night i snuck out to play rock bannd at gabiee'ss
she hasn't said anything yet .

I first went to edgar'sss bar though , i loveee tht nigga OD .
151 & grey goose.

Oh , & sorry "/

one more thing .
I made a rap for Shad , even though i suck . I d k it was upon his request :
shad ain't bad , shad is rad
he's like the dad i never had ,
he'ss calm & collective but if you get him mad
he will stomp ya ass out
Congress ave is what he shoutss
niggas never get it twisted
or he'll show you what he's bouut .
Thats my nigga till the end ,
He's more special than a friend ,
I'm his piglet - he's my shad
He's the best i ever had .

Thats what i can come up with in 7 minutesss -____--- loll

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